Why the UK needs a Commission for Business, Human Rights and the Environment

The CORE Coalition is proposing a new body to address the human rights and environmental impacts of UK companies when operating abroad. Based on a detailed review of possible reforms for existing mechanisms, CORE proposes that the Government should create a specialised Commission for Business, Human Rights and the Environment (Commission) that would have coordinating, capacity-building and informational roles, while also operating as a dispute resolution body. 

The Commission would 

  • have a mandate receive, investigate and settle complaints against UK parent companies relating to human rights abuses committed in other countries
  • provide clarity around standards of conduct, leading to improvements in UK companies’ respect for human rights
  • have a capacity-building role in helping to strengthen local mechanisms in countries hosting UK investment and promote learning among stakeholders in those countries. 

CORE believes a body such as a Commission will make a significant difference to victims of such abuse in enabling them to gain access to effective and binding redress.

companies when operating abroad. This briefing explains why and what it could look like.

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