Time for constructive engagement on UN Binding Treaty

Around the world, citizens are mobilizing for action to stop climate change and corporate activities damaging our shared environment, health and future.  International rules are needed to address the harm that global businesses and value chains can cause, and to address insufficient regulation by national governments.

This week, during the fifth IGWG session, governments have the chance to negotiate a  UN Binding Treaty that requires transnational corporations and businesses from every country to respect our planet and our human rights.

This gives us a timely opportunity to make progress with a legal instrument at the international level which can complement and reinforce national and regional rules, such as with multiple developments regarding mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence.

CORE and 58 other European organisations advocating for the Treaty, comprised of human rights and environmental NGOs, trade unions and faith groups, are calling for EU Member States to take up leadership to develop common positioning on issues that are a priority for EU citizens.

The European Commission, MEPs and Member States have valuable expertise and experience that will help to shape an effective binding treaty. And civil society must continue to be able to take an active part, as they are key to moving the process forward and securing an instrument focused on the rights of affected people.

Read the full letter here.

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