Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse

Photo: Sandra Seitamaa

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Join 126,021 people in the UK who are calling for change

Sign our petition calling on MPs to bring in a new UK law to stop corporate abuses of human rights and environmental destruction. 


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Our partners are charities, trade unions and legal experts who want to protect human rights and the environment from corporate abuse.

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Our latest parliamentary briefing

A Corporate Duty to Prevent Negative Human Rights and Environmental Impacts

Photo: Juliana Romao


Photo: WWF

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To tackle deforestation, human rights must be protected

Corporate Justice Coalition is calling for the UK Government’s proposed law on corporate due diligence for forest-risk commodities to require businesses to undertake combined environmental and human rights due diligence – given the inextricable links between human rights and much deforestation.

Featured Article

We used to be the CORE Coalition…

And now we are the Corporate Justice Coalition.

Protest sign for justice and change

Act Now

Call for a fairer world that protects people and the environment from corporate abuse.

Ask your MP to back a Business, Human Rights and Environment Act

We are calling for new legislation to make UK companies ensure that their activities do not put human rights or our common home at risk. Please stand with human rights defenders who are under threat right now, by urgently sending an email to your MP and asking them to call for a new Business, Human Rights and Environment Act. Will...

Call for laws that put people and planet before profits

There is a growing, global movement for governments to pass mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence legislation, and it needs more power. If successful, companies and governments would be held accountable for failing to prevent all human rights violations.

Business & human rights: help stop the abuse

I’m calling on MPs to introduce a new law to hold business and the public sector to account when they fail to prevent supply chain human rights abuses and environmental harms.