Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse

News & Analysis

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We need a new law to root out corporate supply chain abuses — wherever they take place

A new law mirroring existing provisions in the UK Bribery Act, could hold companies accountable if they “fail to prevent” a wide range of harmful human rights or environmental impacts — not just forced labour — wherever they occur. 

Deforestation law welcome, but government must go further

The CORE Coalition welcomes the government’s announcement that it will require UK companies to carry out due diligence on their supply chains - but the government must impose due diligence with legal liability for companies across all human rights and environmental harms.

40,000 people from the Niger Delta take on Shell at the UK Supreme Court

This week the UK Supreme Court heard a landmark case against Shell brought by 40,000 people from the Ogale and Bille communities of the Niger Delta, in Nigeria.

How Shell’s polluting business model in Nigeria may have to change

Oil spills have contaminated the Niger Delta for over 60 years. As courageous campaigners take the fossil fuel giant to court, will this mark an end to its polluting business model?

UK Supreme Court should recognise Shell’s responsibilities for devastating impacts of Niger Delta oil spills

Corporate Justice Coalition and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) have jointly submitted evidence in a landmark case before the UK Supreme Court brought by some 40,000 people from the Niger Delta against oil major Royal Dutch Shell.

Rights Groups Request UK Supreme Court to Hear Case On Corporate Abuses

RAID and the Corporate Justice Coalition have officially requested the UK Supreme Court to hear a case involving corporate human rights abuses by a British-based company, African Minerals Ltd, at its iron-ore mine in Sierra Leone.

Hanging by a thread? COVID-19 and garment workers

As garment companies scramble to limit financial damage during the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of vulnerable people living in countries without a social safety net are bearing the brunt of the crisis.