Letter to Tanzanian President on Gold Mine Human Rights Abuses

CORE, along with six leading human rights organisations, has signed a letter to the President of Tanzania, calling for an urgent investigation into human rights abuses at Acacia’s North Mara Gold mine.

The letter highlights the numerous detailed reports and complaints about violent attacks by police and security at the mine. One Tanzanian parliamentary inquiry received reports suggesting that in 2016, 65 people were killed and 270 injured by the mine security staff.

Acacia refuted these reports, but there has been insufficient investigations by the company into the abuses and no clear way for victims to seek redress.

The signees urge the Tanzanian government and Acacia’s majority shareholder Barrick Gold Corp, currently in ongoing negotiations about Acacia’s operations in Tanzania, to launch an urgent judicial investigation into the abuses and ensure that the victims receive adequate compensation.

You can read the letter here.

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