UK government commissions survey of access to remedy
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law has been asked by the UK Foreign Office, the Department for Business and the Ministry of Justice to undertake a quick survey of the UK’s current provision of access to remedy for victims of human rights abuses involving business enterprises. BIICL would be very grateful for any...
The last five years have seen a crisis of trust in business following scandals around tax avoidance and excessive executive pay, and revelations of shocking practices in UK company supply chains. CORE and our partner organisations work together to campaign for laws and policies to make UK companies more accountable and to prevent them from...
Loosening the chains: Modern Slavery Bill passes through the Commons
Tweet Earlier this week the Modern Slavery Bill completed its passage through the House of Commons. The government’s amendment on supply chains was accepted without a vote and is now on the face of the Bill. Several people spoke in the debate, some of whom reflected points from the coalition’s briefing. There was a consensus across...
by Frank Bold The European Day of Justice was celebrated on 25 October. The day is dedicated to bringing justice closer to all European citizens, by informing citizens about the access to justice they are entitled to in other European countries, which should be similar to the access they have in their own country. In...
Human rights violations have increased 70% globally since 2008
Tweet by Marilyn Croser CORE The UK government must hold companies to account for abuses such as slavery, land grabs and trade in conflict minerals, says report Since 2008, there has been an unprecedented rise in human rights violations globally, up 70% according to a new report. Workers’ rights are seriously compromised and rural and...
September 9th, 2014
| by James Whiting
conflict mineralsland grabsModern slavery and labour rights
UNHRC votes on business and human rights resolutions
At the 26th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, June 2014, two resolutions were adopted by the Council. The first, drafted by Ecuador and South Africa, directs “to establish an open-ended intergovernmental working group with the mandate to elaborate an international legally binding instrument on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with respect...
Seeking quality guidance for your strategic report? The FRC's Guidance on the Strategic Report misses the mark
Tweet The Financial Reporting Council has published its Guidance on the Strategic Report. The non-mandatory guidelines are designed to encourage companies to provide their shareholders with a holistic and meaningful picture of their business model, strategy, development, performance, position and future prospects. In the lead up to the release of the report, accountancy bodies, investors...
Letter to Jenny Willott MP: Supply Chain Transparency (May 2014)
As part of our ongoing work around corporate transparency, we wrote to Jenny Willott MP, Minister for Employment Relations and Consumer Affairs, to request a meeting to discuss progress on supply chain transparency. BIS has put a good deal of effort and resources into reform of non-financial reporting, corporate governance and supply chain transparency. It...