Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


Criminal Finances Bill: Briefing for House of Commons Report Stage

This briefing is supported by the following organisations who form part of the BOND Anti-Corruption Group and the Business Integrity Network and who are all working to ensure that UK companies can be held legally accountable for economic and broader crimes, including those committed abroad: Amnesty International, CAFOD, CORE Coalition, Corruption Watch, Global Witness, ONE,...

Briefing for House of Commons Adjournment Debate on Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility

This briefing has been prepared for the House of Commons Adjournment Debate on Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility, 14 December 2016. It calls for companies to be required to conduct due diligence to prevent harm to people and the environment, changes to directors’ duties and corporate liability laws, making it easier to prosecute companies and directors...

Briefing for House of Lords 8 Dec. debate on the case for maintaining the balance between rights and responsibilities in the corporate sector

In 2016, the UK government published a Business and Human Rights Action Plan but the voluntary measures outlined are insufficient to deter and sanction serial corporate offending. The government should now take steps to introduce legislation to prevent and punish corporate malpractice internationally; provide access to remedy for victims who have been subject to corporate...

Briefing for second reading of Modern Slavery (Transparency in Supply Chains) Bill – 8 July 2016

This briefing has been prepared on behalf of a coalition of human rights, development and anti-slavery civil society organisations that campaigned for the inclusions of the supply chain reporting requirement in the Modern Slavery Act. The Bill offers an important opportunity to enhance the supply chain reporting requirement in the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Download the...

Civil society letter to the Member States representatives in COHOM (Working Group on Human Rights of the Council of the EU).

On the 20 April 2016  ECCJ, Amnesty International, CIDSE, FIDH and Friends of the Earth Europe sent a letter to the Member States representatives in COHOM (the permanent Working Group on Human Rights of the Council of the EU) emphasising the importance and urgency of a stronger political action on business and human rights. Download the...

CORE Response to The Non-Financial Reporting Directive consultation

A response to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills consultation on the Non-Financial Reporting Directive: A call for views on effective reporting alongside proposals to implement EU requirements. Download the report >>

Beyond Compliance: Effective reporting under the Modern Slavery Act 2015

This guidance is for organisations required to report under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out our initial thinking on how companies can use the new provision to link reporting to the wider due diligence needed to eradicate human trafficking, forced labour and slavery from their supply chains.

CORE Submission to inform the revision of the UK’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

CORE’s submission to the government’s review of the UK’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, including analysis of the document’s current deficiencies and recommendations for improvement. Download our submission >>