Second submission to the Drafting Group on Human Rights and Business of the Council of Europe
Comments and suggestions from Amnesty International, ECCJ, FIDH, CORE and Sherpa on the Draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on human rights and business of 22 August 2014.
September 16th, 2014
| by Amnesty International UK and Partners
The UK has taken some significant steps to address irresponsible corporate behaviour and to meet the growing expectations of ethical business standards from consumers and investors. Political will is needed now to translate policy commitments into practical changes. CORE’s manifesto, Doing Business Better, lays out its expectations from government ahead of the 2015 elections.
Joint Comments and Suggestions on the Draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on human rights and business of 22 August 2014
Comments and suggestions from Amnesty International, ECCJ, FIDH, CORE and Sherpa on the Draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member States on human rights and business of 22 August 2014.
September 16th, 2014
| by Amnesty International UK and Partners
UNWG Consultation on Substantive Elements of National Action Plans
This submission offers the perspectives of The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) and The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR)— with the support of the Corporate Responsibility Coalition (CORE), the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), and the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ)— on the open public consultation document released by the UN...
UNWG Consultation on National Action Plans – Submission on Remedy
The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR), CORE, and the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) emphasise that, in the development of National Action Plans (NAPs), States must first conduct National Baseline Assessments (NBAs) and then commit in their NAP to close identified gaps through legislative or other regulatory means.
September 2nd, 2014
| by European Coalition for Corporate Justice and Partners
Access to justiceaccess to remedyNational Action Plans on business and human rights
Modern Slavery Bill: Submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights
Submission to the Joint Committee on the draft Modern Slavery Bill, recommending that a transparency in supply chains provision is included in the Bill.
August 27th, 2014
| by Amnesty International UK and Partners
Companies ActModern Slavery Acttransparency in supply chains
The Commission launched this public consultation in order to receive feedback on the implementation of its most recent policy on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is outlined in the Communication “A renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for Corporate Social Responsibility” (COM(2011) 681). CORE states its support for the Commission’s new definition of CSR, identifies the weaknesses in...
Joint submission to the Drafting Group on Human Rights and Business of the Council of Europe
The response expresses support for a Council of Europe non-binding instrument focused on access to justice and closely related issues. Such an instrument should essentially deal with State–based judicial mechanisms given the Council of Europe’s long-standing expertise in this field and since other instruments have already provided important guidance on companybased grievance mechanisms.
July 3rd, 2014
| by Amnesty International UK and Partners
Access to justiceaccess to remedyCouncil of Europe; EU
Joint submission to the Drafting Group on Human Rights and Business of the Council of Europe
The response expresses support for a Council of Europe non-binding instrument focused on access to justice and closely related issues. Such an instrument should essentially deal with State–based judicial mechanisms given the Council of Europe’s long-standing expertise in this field and since other instruments have already provided important guidance on company based grievance mechanisms.
July 3rd, 2014
Access to justiceaccess to remedyCouncil of Europe; EU