Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse

land grabs

The Zambian farmers who are suing a mining company in a British court

 In January 2019, a group of Zambian farmers brought their fight for justice to the UK Supreme Court, in a case with far-reaching implications for multinational companies. Louise Eldridge explains the background of the case in a blog originally published by Africa is a Country.

[caption id="attachment_5257" align="alignleft" width="550"] Farmer with his livestock, Zambia. Image credit Felix Clay/Duckrabbit, 2012 via WorldFish Flickr (CC).[/caption]

Mapping Human Rights Risks for 2017

Global risk analyst Verisk Maplecroft has published its annual Human Rights Outlook report, outlining ten human rights risks impacting business in 2017. Verisk notes that modern slavery risks are set to increase as the United States toughens its immigration policy, pushing countless undocumented migrants further underground and exposing them to greater exploitation.

Human rights violations have increased 70% globally since 2008

Tweet by Marilyn Croser CORE The UK government must hold companies to account for abuses such as slavery, land grabs and trade in conflict minerals, says report Since 2008, there has been an unprecedented rise in human rights violations globally, up 70% according to a new report. Workers’ rights are seriously compromised and rural and...