Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


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Resource efficient EU economy: the role of company reporting

This report argues that by introducing rules to make companies measure and reduce their overall use of resources, environmental and social impacts will be improved, and companies will lower their costs while boosting competitiveness.

How Does Fairtrade Mitigate Human Rights Violations in Global Supply Chains?

Fairtrade International's publication draws on three case studies and reflects on Fairtrade’s alignment with the human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) approach.

Submission to ‘Transparency and trust: enhancing the transparency of UK company ownership and increasing trust in UK business’ (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills)

This briefing by CORE and the Environmental Law Service relates to the UK government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skill’s Company Ownership Transparency and Trust Discussion Paper, Q.39: The merits of strengthening responsibilities of banking directors by amending the directors’ duties in CA06 to create a primary duty to promote financial stability over the interests of shareholders.

Submission to ‘Transparency and trust: enhancing the transparency of UK company ownership and increasing trust in UK business’ (Department for Business, Innovation and Skills)

This briefing by CORE and the Environmental Law Service relates to the UK government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skill’s Company Ownership Transparency and Trust Discussion Paper, Q.39: The merits of strengthening responsibilities of banking directors by amending the directors’ duties in CA06 to create a primary duty to promote financial stability over the interests...

Legal Aid briefing: Lords’ report stage

CORE called for amendments to be made to this Bill to ensure that it would not undermine the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Despite this it was passed unchanged, giving irresponsible multinational corporations more power to violate the rights of poor and vulnerable communities in developing countries with impunity.