Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


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Legal Aid briefing: Lords’ report stage

CORE called for amendments to be made to this Bill to ensure that it would not undermine the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Despite this it was passed unchanged, giving irresponsible multinational corporations more power to violate the rights of poor and vulnerable communities in developing countries with impunity.

Legal Aid briefing: Lords’ third reading

The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) Bill reached its 3rd reading in the House of Lords in April 2011. CORE called for the Bill to be amended to safeguard access to justice for victims of corporate human rights abuses.

Implications of the Jackson reforms for human rights cases against multinational companies

Following a review by Lord Justice Jackson in 2009, the UK government proposed wide-ranging reforms to the costs regime for civil litigation. This briefing note explains the negative consequences of the reforms for human rights court cases against multinational corporations. Download the briefing »

A Starter for 10

Ten of the key issues, opportunities and discussion points on UK business, human rights and the environment, based on the premise that there is no single silver bullet to improving UK businesses’ human rights and environmental impacts.

Filling the Gap: a new body to investigate, sanction and provide remedies for abuses committed by UK companies abroad

The aim of this report is to try to identify a way of “filling the gap” between, on the one hand, a series of relatively toothless soft law and self-regulatory initiatives, and, on the other hand, a domestic civil liability system which, though well established, is fraught with difficulty for claimants and is too easily manipulated by companies seeking to avoid liability. 

Fit for Purpose? A review of the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2008

A review of the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.