Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


Shell’s impunity for destruction in the Niger Delta (Nigeria)

Over a number of decades, oil spills from Shell’s operations led to devastating environmental impacts with disastrous consequences for the local residents. The spills contaminated the communities’ land and waterways which they relied on for farming, drinking, and washing. Find out how a Business, Human Rights and Environment Act could have made a difference.

Public Procurement of Tainted PPE (Malaysia)

Despite serious red flags concerning Supermax’s labour practices and ongoing investigations, NHS Supply Chain named Supermax an approved supplier in December 2021. The US Government had previously introduced import bans on Supermax products based on its finding of forced labour. Find out how a Business, Human Rights and Environment Act could have made a difference.

Parliamentary Briefing: A UK ‘Business, Human Rights and Environment Act’

This parliamentary briefing argues that we urgently need a new UK law to hold companies to account when they fail to prevent human rights abuses and environmental harms in their global value chains. A new law is called for by UK civil society organisations, businesses, investors, and more than 100,000 people in the UK who...

Parliamentary Briefing: A UK ‘Business, Human Rights and Environment Act’

This briefing for MPs and Peers outlines the urgent need for a new law to hold companies to account when they fail to prevent human rights abuses and environmental harms.

Civil Society Statement – UK Engagement on a UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights

Ten years on from the introduction of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), voluntary initiatives have failed to have a meaningful impact on tackling abuse in business operations and supply chains. This includes modern slavery, unsafe working conditions, attacks on human rights defenders including trade unions, pollution of land and water,...

CJC’s reponse to Defra consultation on ‘implementing due diligence on forest-risk commodities’ – Schedule 17 of the Environment Act

Despite the efforts made by civil society groups, an amendment tabled in the Commons in 2020, a series of interventions by Peers during report stage, and several amendments being put forwards in the House of Lords, Schedule 17 leaves very significant and concerning gaps in human rights protections due to: The lack of reference in...

The urgent need for a new UK law on business and human rights- a ‘Business, Human Rights and Environment Act’

The European Commission is tabling a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive which obliges EU Member States to introduce ‘mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence’ laws. The Commission’s move builds on advances already made in Europe through an emerging new generation of corporate accountability laws. In many instances, these laws will apply to UK companies...

Joint NGO Briefing: Due Diligence in Schedule 16 of the UK Environment Bill

Schedule 16 in the UK’s Environment Bill seeks to tackle the UK’s contribution to global deforestation. The proposal establishes a legal framework to address the environmental footprint of the UK’s consumption of forest risk commodities by placing a due diligence requirement on companies. Given the prevalence of human rights impacts and risks associated with forest...

Joint civil society response to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee report: ‘Uyghur forced labour in Xinjiang and UK value chains.’

Current law and policy – including the Modern Slavery Act – have proved wholly inadequate to both prevent UK companies from contributing to human rights abuses in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, or to compel companies to address human rights abuses in their broader supply chains.