Our statement with 9 partner organisations responds to the Government’s response to the Transparency in Supply Chains consultation, published in September 2020.
We argue that a lack of commitment to meaningful sanctions and enforcement measures is a major concern. Five years on from the Act’s introduction, we urge the immediate introduction of an enforcement mechanism that holds companies legally accountable for failing to adhere to the law.
Now, more than ever, we are seeing that much tougher government action is needed. If the UK wishes to remain a leader on business and human rights and ensure a level playing field for UK business, it must now introduce a new law to mandate due diligence for all human rights and environmental impacts, which would hold companies liable for their failure to prevent harm.
In tandem, Government must tackle the abusive practises of big brands that do not meet the threshold of modern slavery offences, but if left unchecked will lead to and drive modern slavery.