Climate change and modern slavery: a vicious circle

Anti-Slavery International’s new report, From a Vicious to a Virtuous Circle, looks closely at the link between climate change and modern slavery, and the challenges presented by environmental harms.

Based on research conducted by Dr Chris O’Connell, CAROLINE Fellow at Dublin City University, the report shows that climate change and exploitation are closely linked – and demonstrates why a strategic focus on climate change and the environment is a necessary part of Anti-Slavery International’s campaign to end slavery for everyone, everywhere, always.

In the report, it is argued that climate change and modern slavery form a vicious circle, whereby the climate crisis forces many people into work that actively contributes to environmental harm. Dr O’Connell spoke to people who’ve experienced this cycle of exploitation and environmental harm at first hand: the report includes compelling case studies from Peru and Bolivia, looking at this vicious circle in effect.


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