This report provides a snapshot of company Slavery and Human Trafficking statements published in compliance with the Transparency in Supply Chains clause in the Modern Slavery Act 2015, focusing on companies that produce or provide products and services to a large number of customers, including other businesses.
We examine statements from 25 businesses who source raw materials and commodities associated with a heightened risk of modern slavery – cocoa from West Africa, mined gold, mica from India, palm oil from Indonesia and tea from Assam – and 25 operating in sectors known to be at heightened risk of labour rights abuses: apparel and footwear, construction, hospitality, Premier League football and service outsourcing.
We explore if and how companies include information on the particular raw material and sector-specific risks in their statements, looking at the description of their operations and supply chains and their due diligence. We also look at additional information available on company websites, to examine the extent to which companies are making connections between the risk of slavery and wider labour rights issues such as wages and working hours, and the price paid for raw materials.
- Press release: Modern slavery: top companies fail to name supply chain risks
- Report executive summary
- Hilton’s response to CORE’s report and our reply
- ‘Major companies fail to disclose slavery and trafficking risks’, warn UK experts, covered in Reuters, The Independent, Daily Mail, The Guardian and The Times