Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


Human rights violations have increased 70% globally since 2008

Tweet by Marilyn Croser CORE The UK government must hold companies to account for abuses such as slavery, land grabs and trade in conflict minerals, says report Since 2008, there has been an unprecedented rise in human rights violations globally, up 70% according to a new report. Workers’ rights are seriously compromised and rural and...

UNHRC votes on business and human rights resolutions

At the 26th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, June 2014, two resolutions were adopted by the Council. The first, drafted by Ecuador and South Africa, directs “to establish an open-ended intergovernmental working group with the mandate to elaborate an international legally binding instrument on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with respect...

Seeking quality guidance for your strategic report? The FRC's Guidance on the Strategic Report misses the mark

Tweet The Financial Reporting Council has published its Guidance on the Strategic Report. The non-mandatory guidelines are designed to encourage companies to provide their shareholders with a holistic and meaningful picture of their business model, strategy, development, performance, position and future prospects. In the lead up to the release of the report, accountancy bodies, investors...

Letter to Jenny Willott MP: Supply Chain Transparency (May 2014)

As part of our ongoing work around corporate transparency, we wrote to Jenny Willott MP, Minister for Employment Relations and Consumer Affairs, to request a meeting to discuss progress on supply chain transparency. BIS has put a good deal of effort and resources into reform of non-financial reporting, corporate governance and supply chain transparency. It...

Prosperity, neutrality, reality (& accountability?)

By Marilyn Croser, CORE Director Four things that jumped out at me from the Kiobel FoI documents that have been released to CORE: We have a problem A section on p.52 headed ‘Prosperity and support to British business’ in a briefing for Ministers on whether to submit an amicus brief in the Kiobel case includes...

Modern Slavery committee endorses supply chain legislation

The report from the parliamentary committee looking at the draft Modern Slavery bill has recommended legislative measures to address the issue in company supply chains. Key extracts: 169. ….The CORE Coalition warned us that the purely voluntary approach has not been effective at eliminating modern slavery. 170. We recognise the important role NGOs have played...

To make a successful FOI request, take a big dollop of patience and a handful of top-class law students

Marilyn Croser, CORE Coordinator Below is some background about our story in today’s Guardian on the way Shell and Rio Tinto successfully lobbied the UK government for support against human rights court cases in the U.S. The FCO documents were released to us at the end of February, for key quotes and analysis see this...

Letter to the UK government on human rights incidents at the North Mara Mine, Tanzania

RAID (Rights and Accountability in Development) and CORE have written to the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to request that the UK government ask questions of UK mining company African Barrick Gold and its majority shareholder Barrick Gold Corporation, regarding human rights violations at the North Mara mine in Tanzania. The letter is available here.