Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse

News & Analysis

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How can growth work for everyone? – CJC partners host parliamentary event

The UK Government has committed to delivering a programme of change based on security, fairness and opportunity for all. This includes promises to ‘kickstart’ economic growth in a way that provides good jobs and better living standards, make the UK a clean energy superpower and build an NHS fit for the future. All these goals...

Indigenous and environmental defenders call on the UK to protect their land and livelihoods

In November, Peace Brigades International UK (PBI UK) and Forest Peoples Programme organised a pivotal week of advocacy in the UK. The initiative brought together a cross-regional group of human rights defenders, Indigenous and Afro-descendent leaders and community representatives from six countries—Indonesia, Colombia, Kenya, Liberia, Mexico, and the Wampís Nation in Peru. These individuals are on...

Why the UK Needs a strong Business, Human Rights and Environment Act: Lessons from the EU’s advances and shortcomings

In 2019, the Corporate Justice Coalition launched a campaign for a UK-specific Business, Human Rights and Environment Act (BHREA). This campaign emerged from the recognition that voluntary measures and existing regulations were insufficient to prevent and address corporate abuses of human rights and environmental standards. The BHREA seeks to prevent human rights and environmental abuse...

Corporate Justice Coalition Welcomes New Director Eleanor Rosenbach

The Corporate Justice Coalition (CJC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Eleanor Rosenbach as its new Director, effective from May 7th, 2024. In her role as Director, Eleanor will lead the CJC in its mission to create a world where corporate impunity for abuses of human rights and environmental harm is a thing of...

Press release: Four in five UK adults support new laws to tackle environmental harm and human rights abuses in company supply chains

LONDON | New research shows that four in five adults in the UK support new laws requiring companies to prevent serious environmental harm and human rights abuses in their operations or supply chains. The survey of 2,124 UK adults by the polling company YouGov, released today (17 April) by the Corporate Justice Coalition and Friends...

CJC to Coordinate Third Consecutive Labour Conference Fringe Event

  This October the Corporate Justice Coalition (CJC) will be jointly coordinating its third consecutive Labour Party Conference Fringe event, Green Prosperity and Human Rights: Preventing UK Corporate and Public Sector Supply Chain Abuses. The event will be co-hosted by the Labour Campaign for Human Rights and SME4Labour and chaired by James Jennion, Co-Director Labour...

Time for change – MPs from across parties turn out for CJC event

At the end of May, we joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Human Rights to host the event “Levelling the playing field for UK companies: Mandatory supply chain due diligence to protect human rights and the environment” in Parliament. The event was set up to highlight to Parliamentarians the broad and strong support for a...

“Rule for corporations, rights for people!” – activists take call for action to UN in Geneva

By  Louise Eldridge At the end of October, I represented CAFOD at the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, Switzerland, where countries around the world were meeting to try to agree on a new UN Treaty to create binding rules to stop companies around the world from exploiting people and damaging the environment. CAFOD has for...

UK businesses, investors call for new human rights and environmental due diligence law

49 leading businesses and investors have called on the UK Government to introduce a new legal requirement for companies and investors to carry out human rights and environmental due diligence. A group including Microsoft, Tesco, Primark and Nestlé said: “Legislation can contribute to a competitive level playing field, increase legal certainty about the standards expected...