Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


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Above the law? Time to hold irresponsible companies to account

In this report, Traidcraft and CORE set out how gaps in the legal framework are allowing irresponsible companies to get away with actions in developing countries which would not be acceptable in the UK. It shows how some companies are turning a blind eye to forced evictions, unacceptable labour standards, pollution which damages both livelihoods and health, and even beatings and...

The Bottom Line: UK Corporate Abuse Overseas

Ten case studies of serious abuses linked to UK corporations’ international operations. Issues range from the appropriation of indigenous lands, the callous destruction of natural habitats, and corporate complicity in the violation of a litany of civil and political rights.

CORE Submission to inform the revision of the UK’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

CORE’s submission to the government’s review of the UK’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, including analysis of the document’s current deficiencies and recommendations for improvement. Download our submission >>

CORE response to the Modern Slavery and Supply Chains consultation

A response to the Home Office consultation on the scope of the transparency in supply chains clause of the Act, and comments on the proposed content of the statutory guidance. Download the report >>

The EU’s Business: Recommended actions to ensure access to judicial remedy for business-related human rights impacts

In 2014, Association Sherpa, CORE, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, ECCJ and Frank Bold launched a project to develop recommendations to improve access to judicial remedy in the EU for victims of corporate human rights abuses. The project revealed that similar problems are encountered across jurisdictions; there are clear opportunities for the...

A Conflict Minerals Regulation that Works – Coalition briefing

Strengthening the European Commission’s proposal for a “Regulation setting up a union system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas”