Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


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CORE and Partners’ Submission to JCHR Consultation on the Environment Bill

This submission relates to proposed new clause (NC5) in the Environment Bill: “Environmental and human rights due diligence: duty to publish draft legislation.”

A UK Failure to Prevent Mechanism for Corporate Human Rights Harms

This report by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law considers whether and how the legal elements of section 7 of the Bribery Act could be transposed into a failure to prevent human rights harms.

Alliance for Corporate Transparency: 2019 Research Report

The Alliance for Corporate Transparency project has published its '2019 Research Report' analysing the sustainability reports of 1000 companies pursuant to the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive.

Submission to Consultation on a Single Enforcement Body for employment rights

CJC, Amnesty International UK, Anti-Slavery International, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, Christian Aid, FLEX, Traidcraft Exchange and UNISON have submitted a joint response to the Government’s consultation on establishing a new Single Enforcement Body for employment rights. We focus primarily on section 4.4., “supply chains”.