Protecting Rights. Ending Corporate Abuse


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A joint letter calling for urgent action for Leicester garment workers

NGOs and trade unions call for urgent action for Leicester garment workers and recommend a Leicester Garment Cross Government Task Force.

Briefing on the Environment Bill – amendment NC5 on due diligence legislation

We urge the Bill committee to accept the vital Environment Bill amendment NC5, tabled by Kerry McCarthy MP: “Environmental and human rights due diligence: duty to publish draft legislation.

Submission to BEIS ‘Reforming Regulation’ Consultation

CORE’s submission to the consultation on the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s ‘Reforming Regulation Initiative’ recommends that the UK government introduce a new corporate duty to prevent negative human rights and environmental impacts,

Evidence for mandatory HRDD legislation

In the past years, several European countries, as well as the EU, have adopted or started to consider legislation that embeds elements of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) into law.

Joint civil society response to UK Government’s Modern Slavery Statement

This response highlights the commendable elements of the statement and lays out our recommendations for the Government to build on its approach.

We mean business: protecting women’s rights in global supply chains

Our partner ActionAid reports that corporate accountability can be harnessed to protect women’s rights and further gender equality - however, many governments and corporations still have to implement, strengthen and operationalise this in practice.